Sales Tax Help

I tried doing a search but couldn’t find what I needed. How do I set up sales tax? I went under SHIPPING/TAXES > TAXES > I went into the edit of the VAT that is there and named sales tax and set everything on that page > TAX RATES

I see the USA, but I can only charge sales tax for Texas. How do I set the tax rate for Texas only?

I’ve read through post [url][/url] but where do I find “manage destinations”? I guess I’m using 2.1.2, don’t know where to find v#. Installed by webhost.

OK, I’ve got it now. Had to go to SHIPPING/TAXES > LOCATIONS > ADD LOCATION > Named TX (for Texas) > Go down to the states box and scroll to United States: Texas > Click on it then click the green arrow pointing left.

Clicked back on TAXES > ADD TAX > Named TX > Priority 1 > Left Reg. # blank > Rates on Billing Address > Status Active > Price includes tax unchecked

TAX RATES > (Now TX is there) Put 8.25 and type Percent (%)

Then I had the fun part of figuring out how shipping worked. When I tried the store, kept telling me no shipping was set up. Finally figured that out. Now I believe I’m on my way. That is until I start working in another area. :smiley:

Glad you figured it out… thanks for sharing your solution

So how exactly you figured the shipping part? I think I’m having the same problem, keeps telling me “no shipping options are available for your location.”

thanks for sharing.

Yeah I’m curious how to you figured out shipping as well. I’m stuck on the shipping portion after I got the taxes functioning (same error you had).

I think I figured it out.

Basically, from what I’m seeing, you have to create say a custom shipping type.

Each location you have must have some kind of value associated with it (the top one that you can’t delete doesn’t seem to count).

So, from scratch:

  1. You’ll create some locations (let’s say Arizona Only, and then All Other States)

  2. You create a custom Shipping method (in my case, it was “5 to 7 day free shipping in the US”).

  3. Under the Shipping Method → Shipping Charges → “Show Rates for Location” box: each location had to have a dependency added to it.

    Under “Arizona Only” I added a dependency saying anything over $.01 gave the user a shipping cost of $0. Then under “All Other States”, I did the same thing.

    Then it finally gave me the shipping calculations in the checkout process.