Sales Tax Database Storage Location

Can anyone tell me if and where the calculated sales tax for each order is stored in the database? Table name(s) and field(s)? Or is the sales tax just “calculated on the fly” and shown but not stored anywhere in the database? If it’s not stored in the database, why isn’t it stored either in the cscart_orders table with the other information like total and subtotal are? Or even stored in another dedicated table specifically for sales taxes collected data with an order_id field to reference back to the order, fields such as tax_amt_collected, rate_id (to reference back to the cscart_tax_rates table, etc) would be very useful when accessing the database data for creating sales reports outside of the cs-cart marketplace.

On a side note: Why isn’t there any functionality for reports be printed or exported from CS-Cart? This doesn’t make any sense and should be a standard function, especially when you need to have hard copy reports printed for various reasons.

Product taxes are calculated “on the fly”

Order taxes can be found in the cscart_order_data table (with the “T” type value)