RMA via paypal commerce - shipping costs


I set up PayPal Commerce - running in my Testsystem.

Everything works quite perfect except one problem: I need to trigger a return and paying back product price AND shipping cost - RMA of CS-Cart triggers only the refund of the product costs. They will built it in a future version but can’t wait that long.

Basically I need those cases:

A Buyer returns whole order: Refund with shipping costs

B Buyer returns only part of one order: Refund without shipping costs

I dond’t See it totally difficult. Basically I see two options to program it:

  1. Checkbox for every RMA request: with/without shipping cost

  2. Rules: Total return of a order: refund with shipping costs; part return of an order: refund without shipping costs

Did anyone already solve this so I don’t have to start from scratch?



Hi @iinu,
did you ever solve this?
Best regards

No but I had cart-power developed an add-on to solve this. Decided to stay with mangopay so far but you could ask them about it. best Bernhard

Thanks for sharing your experience. The issue with RMA only refunding product costs and not shipping is quite challenging. It’s great to hear that you had a custom add-on developed by cart-power. I was wondering if you could share more details about the add-on and how it works for your specific needs? Also, any insights on why you chose to stick with Mangopay would be greatly appreciated.