Returning 200 instead of 404 error on google when verifing the site

When I try to verify my site with webmasters tools to view the statistcs of the pages indexed… I downloaded the requested verification file from google but I got a strange error and don’t know what to do from this step the error I got it:

We’ve detected that your 404 (file not found) error page returns a status of 200 (Success) in the header.

I think It will get the same error also when I use the meta tag verification I read this from a user here in the forums

The no_page at cs-cart returns the 200 error not the 404 error I think…

Where i can find this no_page at cs-cart. and how I change it to return this error

How can you resolve this guys anyhelp would be appreciated


I did the verification in google through the meta tags and It’s working now with google account… Thanks for the no help lol