Restrict Vendor To Change Status Of Order

hi i want to restrict the vendor from changing the status of an order.

I removed the select option for vendor from front end.

but he can change the status through post request and i want to remove the access of vendor to change status,

What Multi-Vendor edition do you use?

Multi-Vendor 4.14.3

Multi-Vendor 4.14.3

Not Plus or Ultimate edition? They have vendor permissions module. I think, it can do what you want

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no i have simple multi vendor edition. i am a developer and i can customize the code so u can share some technical details with me how to do that by tweaking in code?

For example, use orders.pre.php controller and add condition by ACCOUNT_TYPE constant for the update_status mode

Hi, with the latest version of MV 4.18.2 can you restrict vendors from changing order status of an order?

In Multi-Vendor Plus or above, it can be achieved by using the Vendor Privileges add-on.