Restoring cs-cart 1.3.4-sp3


I am testing my ability to restore in the event of a failure and i am having some serious problems. Please can someone help.

I have a backup.sql backup file that is 70mb. The problem is that when i try to restore using phpmyadmin on my test server, it has a limit of 16mb for import.

How can i restore the database?

Your help would be much appricated.


[quote name=‘Mikeq’]Hi,

How can i restore the database?

Your help would be much appricated.


I’m guessing that you have images in your database?

70mb can be imported in batches, open the file in Notepad++

and copy/paste lines of code into a new database (use SQL query for this)

Repeat the process until it’s all copied/pasted.

Or if you’ve got a half-decent host FTP the database into a folder of your choosing and send them an email asking them to import it.

[quote name=‘JesseLeeStringer’]I’m guessing that you have images in your database?

70mb can be imported in batches, open the file in Notepad++

and copy/paste lines of code into a new database (use SQL query for this)

Repeat the process until it’s all copied/pasted.


Many thanks for your reply.

Yes i do have images in the database.

Sorry for more dumb questions, but I’m new to DB’s and mySQL so please can you give me a bit more details on which bits i copy/paste?

I have opend the sql backup file in notepad++, but what bits to i copy first? and how do i use sql query to put it into a new db?

Thanks for helping.