Resolving conficts

I only just upgraded to Version: 2.0.15. To be honest i was too scared to do it myself lol, i was worried i would stuff it up. i had made many small changes to my website and was worried about losing these. Anyway, i went ahead and did it, resolved the conflicts with the styles.base.css, but there are conflicts in my_account.tpl

I dont know what these are? This is what im seeing:

{hook name=“profiles:my_account_menu”}

{if $auth.user_id}

  • {$lang.profile_details}

  • [COLOR=“Red”]{
  • {$lang.downloads}
  • }[/COLOR]

  • {$lang.downloads}
  • [/COLOR]


    [COLOR=“Red”]{assign var=“seosave_current_url” value=$config.current_url}

    {* the sign ` using here to prevent processing and replacing $config.current_url by seo addon *}

  • {$lang.sign_in} / {$lang.register}
  • [/COLOR]

  • {$lang.sign_in} / {$lang.register}
  • [/COLOR]


    Excuse my ignorance, but what on earth does it mean? And do i need to change it back to what it was before the upgrade?? Thanks for any help you can give :slight_smile:

    They are only showing you the difference in changes made to your my_account.tpl file during the upgrade, so, unless you made custom code changes to this file, and if all is working well on your site, you can just check it off as resolved and ignore, all should be fine. :wink:

    Yea everythings working fine :slight_smile: Thanks so much! And yay for me i did the upgrade and didnt stuff up LOL

    First block of diff is your edit, that disables download link in user profile page. Second block is change from developers.

    I posted it in other part of forum, but my advice for you is to use some revision control program and document all your changes. By doing so you will always know why, when and where something was changed. Second benefit is the ability to always revert to any revision of any file :slight_smile: . Plus you will always have actual backup of your site :slight_smile: . I’m doing it with TortoiseHG. Synchronization with server is done by Beyond Compare.