Reset blocked IP addresses (admin)?

I need help. I was logged into my admin browsing around and then all of a sudden I get this message saying that my account has been locked due to failed login attempts. I wasn’t trying to log in at the time, so it was really weird.

Everybody at our office has the same IP address and so everybody is getting the same error message. My employees who work from home can access it just fine.

How can I reset the list or unlock my IP address, so I can get back to accessing Admin? Is it a file that I’ll have in FTP??

It’ll be in the database → cscart_access_restriction_ips. Problem is the database stores the IPs in IP Number format not dot format, so you’ll have to try and figure out which one to delete. You could try and sort the list by timestamp and delete the one when it happened, probably the last one.


My employees who work from home can access it just fine.


Can they not remove the access restriction for you? …or do they not have permission.

When I enter access restrictions in admin.php, I can block IP addresses but I don’t see where to allow anything or change restrictions?