Remove or Hide certain info for vendor plans

I am using the vendor plan add-on by CS-Cart but I want to remove/hide the text “FREE / Month”

as the plans are not free because I want to use Stripe to create the subscriptions/monthly recurring. The reason I want to keep the vendor plan add-on via cs cart is because I would like to display the information about the plans I want to make available and also I am able to create product listing restrictions and revenue limits for the vendors depending what plan they wish to use but to charge them, I want to use the stripe recurring payment/subscription to process the payment .

If there’s a way to set the product listing restrictions and revenue limits without using the vendor plans add-on, that could also work but I could not find a way.


I believe It’s a core file change, I haven’t tested but believe …



{if floatval($plan.price)}
{include file=“common/price.tpl” value=$plan.price}

{if $plan.periodicity != ‘onetime’}
/ {

Thanks for the help. I have tried this some how shows the same results

Probably related to your theme. Try switching theme temporarily to a default responsive theme and check result.

Should go without saying but make sure you are clearing cache and testing on dev store/hAve back-ups.

Thanks. I have tried that but still the same results. When I log in as any of the vendor admins, within the vendor panel, it still shows as ‘FREE’ within the seller info > Plan tab

For the vendor panel please change the following file


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