Redirect Customer To User Group After Log In

Im sure I seen an addon for this, where when someone logs in teh are directed to a specific category in a user group.

Anyone know where it is, I have searched and no joy

I've done this for customers in the past. It's really just best done using the fill_auth hook using your my_changes addon. No need for all the overhead of a separate addon.

Please check our Auto-Assign User Group add-on.

Im sure I seen an addon for this, where when someone logs in teh are directed to a specific category in a user group.

Anyone know where it is, I have searched and no joy

Do you mean that the customer should be redirected to the specific page which depends on his user group?

Yes, customer logs in then redirects to a category assigned to that user group

Yes, customer logs in then redirects to a category assigned to that user group

We have also tried to find such module on the marketplace but failed to do it.