Quick View

So I am wrapping up a site trying to get the design and stuff done.

One thing we noticed is the Quick View quit working. For the life of me, I couldn’t figure it out. No matter what I did, I couldn’t get it to work. Just super frustrating.

One of the things the lady wanted was the short description up near the price. Part of this process was creating a hook override for the product layout.

What I did was create a file called layout_content.override.tpl and put in:

]{include file=$product.product_id|fn_get_product_details_layout product=$product show_sku=true show_descr=true show_rating=true show_old_price=true show_price=true show_list_discount=true show_clean_price=true details_page=true show_discount_label=true show_product_amount=true show_product_options=true hide_form=$smarty.capture.val_hide_form min_qty=true show_edp=true show_add_to_cart=true show_list_buttons=true but_role="action" capture_buttons=$smarty.capture.val_capture_buttons capture_options_vs_qty=$smarty.capture.val_capture_options_vs_qty separate_buttons=$smarty.capture.val_separate_buttons show_add_to_cart=true show_list_buttons=true but_role="action" block_width=true no_ajax=$smarty.capture.val_no_ajax show_product_tabs=true }
```<br />
<br />
Apparently this screws up the quick view. I'm not 100% sure why, but it does.<br />
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The solution ended up being super simple though. Instead of the above code, I put in:<br />
<br />
{if $mode != 'quick_view'}<br />
{include file=$product.product_id|fn_get_product_details_layout product=$product show_sku=true show_descr=true show_rating=true show_old_price=true show_price=true show_list_discount=true show_clean_price=true details_page=true show_discount_label=true show_product_amount=true show_product_options=true hide_form=$smarty.capture.val_hide_form min_qty=true show_edp=true show_add_to_cart=true show_list_buttons=true but_role="action" capture_buttons=$smarty.capture.val_capture_buttons capture_options_vs_qty=$smarty.capture.val_capture_options_vs_qty separate_buttons=$smarty.capture.val_separate_buttons show_add_to_cart=true show_list_buttons=true but_role="action" block_width=true no_ajax=$smarty.capture.val_no_ajax show_product_tabs=true }<br />
```<br />
<br />
Notice the if statement for the quick view.<br />
<br />
So it took me a while to figure this out, but I figured I'd share it with you guys so that hopefully it will help some of you if you run across your quick view misbehaving.<br />
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Thanks,<br />
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