Protect my Store

How to protect my store from Hacker or any other viruses. i don’t want to pay for the security like Hackersafe. There is any free solution for protection.

Apart from pulling the plug out of the wall I can only suggest that you get a security minded webhost.

Putting it quite simply if you do something stupid the host will know soon enough and make changes / let you know why it’s for that reason. Ensuring you’ve got the best host possible within your budget is a #1 priority for any new ecommerce developer (yes you!)

as jesse says

you can also ensure all your folders on the host are set correctly like outlined in the forums and guides - this will assist with the overall protection of your host

little things like changing admin.php to another name as well, updating the config.php to reflect changes - change the default admin username from admin etc…

all this little items will assist - from a host point of view - ensure your server is up to date and secured from their end.

good luck