Promotion / Coupon General Info Visible?

Can some one tell me where the general info that is imported in the promotion/coupon section is visible?

Your question isn't exactly clear. There's a block for displaying all promotions available to customers. But not sure what you mean by "imported' as it relates to promotions.

HI sorry about the bad choice of words. When I go to Marketing > Promotions > new promotion, in the general tab I am able to put in a description, where is that shown to the customer?? Am I missing something???

I *thnk* that it is shown on the promotions page when you have the promotions block enabled via Design/Layouts on a particular page or as a quick link in the header. But I hid promotions from customers so I can't address from experience.

Thank you EZ, but I don't see a Promotion Block in my blocks or layout

I don't think it's an editable page? CSC has it created in the background.

Hmm.. Add "?dispatch=promotions.list" to your quick-links menu. The descriptions for promotions will show there.

Note that if you do not know the URL of any page, check the SEO rules at first:

If you add ?dispatch=promotions.list to request, you will find out the SEO rule anyway

Thank you to all of the above, WORKS Great!!

Thanks again