Profile Field Update Is Not Taken Into The Order Info

Dear experts,

the situation ...

We added the custom profile field, which is not required to be filled in at the Checkout yet. It's just not to have an extra barrier before the user pays.

However we need this extra info from the profile field to process the order. Thus we ask the user to update his profile info with the missing info.

But when the user updates his profile we still do not see the info in the order :-(

What is even worse this info is not becoming available when we adding the field info to the Documents (like "Order summary"). I refer to the variable "user" or "u", that may be used in the Document. We expected the value is taken from the user profile data, but apparently it's not.

In other words, only if the field was filled in before or at the Checkout we may see it in the order and in the Documents. is this normal?

Any idea if this may be resolved (relatively easy)?

Thank you in advance


All customer information is saved per-order, which means that if you add new profile field to customer's configuration, even if it's filled it won't appear in old orders. This is done to avoid cases where, for example, customer places order with address X, then changes his profile to address Y - we don't want address in old order to change to Y, since all products were actually shipped to X.

There are two way to fix this:

1. Edit all old orders - if you will edit order and change the customer to someone else (then change it back to original), customer data in order will be updated, including all the new fields.

2. We could write a script that will pass through all orders and manually update customer data.

Best regards,



All customer information is saved per-order, which means that if you add new profile field to customer's configuration, even if it's filled it won't appear in old orders. This is done to avoid cases where, for example, customer places order with address X, then changes his profile to address Y - we don't want address in old order to change to Y, since all products were actually shipped to X.

There are two way to fix this:

1. Edit all old orders - if you will edit order and change the customer to someone else (then change it back to original), customer data in order will be updated, including all the new fields.

2. We could write a script that will pass through all orders and manually update customer data.

Best regards,


Dear Robert, thanks for you explanation! It makes sense although it's not what we need (ref. functionality). We will think if we may live with a workaround or need a script.


You are welcome :)

Best regards
