Products form search to category

If I have several products in different categories in the store, can I get them all into a new secondary category from a search?

Say there are “blue” products all over the store. What’s the best way to create a Blue category and add all the blue products?

I think you can do it through “Secondary categories” in the product tabs.

That looks like I’d have to go through each product…I’m hoping there’s a better way.

I did it manually…just saved a search in the admin and went through the prods adding them to a secondary cat.

You could probably have used the mass edit feature. You would have searched for '“blue” then checked all the items you wanted to change, then select “edit selected” from the ‘Choose action’ dropdown.

You would then deselect all fields except “Secondary categories” and click the “Modify selected” button. Then click the ‘apply values to all selected products’ link and check “Secondary categories”, then click the ‘add categories’ link. Choose the categories to add and then click the “Apply” button. Finally hit the “Save” button".


Perfect! That would have done it, and it looks like a great feature.