Products Dissapear From Customer Side

Ok, this is weird. I added some category images to a couple of categories on my test site at:


After adding the images the products are no longer displayed. They are still there in the admin, but for some reason you can’t see them on the customer side.

This doesn’t happen to me on my live site. I know I’ve made some changes to my test site, but I don’t think I’ve done anything that would make this happen.

The 2 categories I messed with are both the book categories.

Also, yes I did clear the cache.

Anyways, pretty weird problem. If anyone has any ideas I would love to hear them.



It’s strange but in some cases these issues are related to user/customer permissions, locations/localizations and similar. Did you check these settings?

I did same thing like you and added to each subcategory of books a picture and it works fine: [url][/url]

The only difference is, when I click on the “Books” link on the left categories menu your doesn’t show the thumb of the books main category but the thumbs of your 2 subcategories.

Mine shows the books thumb and 2 links to the subcategories.

Hi Indy,

Thanks for checking on this.

I know, strange huh? I was trying to do this becuase another user on here was wanting to remove the category image on the product list page. Basically I just wanted to add an image to see what happened when certain code got change to remove the image.

I’m thinking that I changed a section of code somewhere that is causing this to happen. I’ve done a few different mods for people and have used this test site as my example. I didn’t think I changed anything that would make this happen, but I can’t think of anything else.

I’ll keep playing around with it or maybe I’ll just reload the test site.

Thanks again,


It seems like there is missing views/categories/custom_templates/products.tpl

Thanks Indy. You were kind of right. I had the site set up to show the images as the subcategories and so I created a file called:


Part of that file contained:

{if $products}
{if $settings.Appearance.columns_in_products_list > 1}
{include file="views/products/components/products_multicolumns.tpl" columns=$settings.Appearance.columns_in_products_list}
{include file="views/products/components/products.tpl" title=""}

All I had to do is change it to:

{if $products}
{assign var="layouts" value=""|fn_get_products_views:false:0}
{if $category_data.product_columns}
{assign var="product_columns" value=$category_data.product_columns}
{assign var="product_columns" value=$settings.Appearance.columns_in_products_list}

{if $layouts.$selected_layout.template}
{include file="`$layouts.$selected_layout.template`" columns=`$product_columns`}

I don’t use this on my live site so that is why I didn’t catch it.
