Product List page


I am trying to reformat my product list page.

I currently have it on grid with 3 elements per page. The problem is i have the product name and description on the side of the product image. It doesnt look good that way. Is there any way to have the the product name, price and ratings on the bottom of the image. Also i want to exclude the add to cart button?



Product Image

Product Name


Ratings with Stars

I am also looking for a solution to this. Anyone?

Well I can kind of get you there. The only thing I can’t figure out is the star thing. This is where I can get it:

I did this by using the My Changes addon.

This was for the Artificial Casting Skin so your skin might be different, but you should get the idea.

What I did was create a file called:


I put in this code:

{assign var="obj_id" value="`$obj_prefix``$product.product_id`"}

{include file="common_templates/image.tpl" image_width=$settings.Appearance.thumbnail_width obj_id=$obj_id images=$product.main_pair object_type="product"}

1} title="{$product.product}">{$product.product|unescape|strip_tags|truncate:35}{else}>{$product.product|unescape}{/if}

{include file="addons/my_changes/hooks/products/buy_now.tpl" hide_wishlist_button=true hide_compare_list_button=true simple=true show_qty=true show_sku=true hide_add_to_cart_button=$hide_add_to_cart_button but_role="action"}

Now this was originally set up to call up the buy_now file that is commonly used for the template system. For what I was doing I needed 2 different buy_now.tpl files so that they could display different things. So for this I created a file called:


I put in this code:

```php {* $Id: buy_now.tpl 7969 2009-09-08 14:37:40Z zeke $ *}

{if ($product.price|floatval || $product.zero_price_action == “P” || $product.zero_price_action == “A” || (!$product.price|floatval && $product.zero_price_action == “R”)) && !($settings.General.allow_anonymous_shopping == “P” && !$auth.user_id)}

{assign var=“show_price_values” value=true}


{assign var=“show_price_values” value=false}


{assign var=“cart_button_exists” value=false}

{assign var=“obj_id” value=$obj_id|default:$product.product_id}

{capture name=“add_to_cart”}

{if !($product.zero_price_action == “R” && $product.price == 0) && !($settings.General.inventory_tracking == “Y” && $settings.General.allow_negative_amount != “Y” && ($product.amount <= 0 || $product.amount < $product.min_qty) && $product.is_edp != “Y” && $product.tracking == “B”)}

{if $product.avail_since <= $smarty.const.TIME || ($product.avail_since > $smarty.const.TIME && $product.buy_in_advance == “Y”)}

{if $product.has_options && (!$product.product_options || $simple)}

{include file=“buttons/button.tpl” but_id=“button_cart_$obj_id” but_text=$lang.select_options but_href=“$index_script?dispatch=products.view&product_id=$product.product_id” but_role=“text” but_name=“”}


{if $additional_link}{$additional_link} {/if}

{include file=“buttons/add_to_cart.tpl” but_id=“button_cart_$obj_id” but_name=“dispatch[checkout.add…$obj_id]” but_role=$but_role}

{assign var=“cart_button_exists” value=true}



{if $product.avail_since > $smarty.const.TIME}

{include file=“common_templates/coming_soon_notice.tpl” avail_date=$product.avail_since add_to_cart=$product.buy_in_advance}




{if $show_sku}

{$lang.sku}: {$product.product_code}


{if $show_features}
{include file="views/products/components/product_features_short_list.tpl" features=$product.product_id|fn_get_product_features_list|escape}

{if !$hide_form}

{if !$stay_in_cart}



{if ($product.discount_prc || $product.list_discount_prc) && $show_price_values && !$simple}

{hook name="products:prices_block"}
{if $show_price_values}

{if !$simple}
{if $} {********************** Old Price *****************}
{$lang.old_price}: {include file="common_templates/price.tpl" value=$product.base_price span_id="old_price_`$obj_id`" class="list-price"}
{elseif $product.list_discount}
{$lang.list_price}: {include file="common_templates/price.tpl" value=$product.list_price span_id="list_price_`$obj_id`" class="list-price"}

{if $capture_price}
{capture name="price"}

{********************** Price *********************}
{if $product.price|floatval || $product.zero_price_action == "P" || ($hide_add_to_cart_button == "Y" && $product.zero_price_action == "A")}
{if !$hide_price_title}{$lang.price}: {/if}{include file="common_templates/price.tpl" value=$product.price span_id="discounted_price_`$obj_id`" class="price"}
{elseif $product.zero_price_action == "A"}
{elseif $product.zero_price_action == "R"}

{if $settings.Appearance.show_prices_taxed_clean == "Y" && $product.taxed_price}
{if $product.clean_price != $product.taxed_price && $product.included_tax}
({include file="common_templates/price.tpl" value=$product.taxed_price span_id="product_price_`$obj_id`" class="list-price"} {$lang.inc_tax})
{elseif $product.clean_price != $product.taxed_price && !$product.included_tax}

{if $capture_price}

{if !$simple}
{if $} {********************** You Save ******************}
{$lang.you_save}: {include file="common_templates/price.tpl" value=$ span_id="discount_value_`$obj_id`" class="list-price"} ({$product.discount_prc}%)
{elseif $product.list_discount}
{$lang.you_save}: {include file="common_templates/price.tpl" value=$product.list_discount span_id="discount_value_`$obj_id`" class="list-price"} ({$product.list_discount_prc}%)

{elseif $settings.General.allow_anonymous_shopping == "P" && !$auth.user_id}

{if ($product.discount_prc || $product.list_discount_prc) && $show_price_values && !$simple}

{************************************ Discount label ****************************}

-{if $}{$product.discount_prc}{else}{$product.list_discount_prc}{/if}%

{************************************ /Discount label ****************************}


{if !$hide_form}


You migh be able to just look at your buy_now.tpl and just change the code, but I am going to bet you'll want to do the same thing as me.

I hope this helps,
