Product Features after upgrade to 1.3.3 issue

Prior to the upgrade, when running 1.3.2, I had a big ole laundry list of product features, and it worked nicely because when viewing a product the features that actually had data entered, that is that were applicable to that product, where the only ones that showed up. Now, in 1.3.3 that whole huge list of features shows up when viewing a product, even when there is no data in that feature. Ewwww!

I did find out that I can go in and edit the product and choose which particular features I want to show up, but that means that I have to go back and manually change over 1,000 products! That blows. I saw no mention of this in the release notes for 1.3.3. No way would I have done the upgrade if I knew this was going to happen.

Can someone PLEASE tell me there is a way to change the way the Product Features are displayed w/out having to go through every single product in my catalog? Why O why was this changed? It worked perfectly before. This seems likes a definite DOWNgrade if you have to do each product seperately. Please help! Thanks,


I would have to actually look at your database to be sure of this but you might be able to do an sql dump and then find a common string to use and then do a find and replace and then restore. Just make sure that you keep an original of the sql dump.

[quote name=‘smoked1’]I would have to actually look at your database to be sure of this but you might be able to do an sql dump and then find a common string to use and then do a find and replace and then restore. Just make sure that you keep an original of the sql dump.[/QUOTE]

smoked, I didn’t want to reinvent the wheel and that is basically what you are talking about doing. It’s the same as having to go through each product and change the settings. I’m guess I’m more peeved at why they changed it? It worked perfectly the way it was. You know, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it kinda deal.


From Help Desk


Please BACK UP your database and try to execute the following query on “Upgrade center” page in “Update database” section:

DELETE FROM cscart_product_features_values WHERE value='';


[quote name=‘zeke’]From Help Desk[/QUOTE]

Thanks Zeke, I was just gonna post that but you beat me to it!
