Product dispatch

Hello, i have a problem with dispatch on cs cart, some wesites open the products on this dispatch “dispatch=product.view” that is correct for me, but mostly of the website open the products on this dispatch “dispatch=companies.product_view”, thats is no good because its open on the tab on the browser and open like dispatch not with friendly seo, how to fix it to open the products on the dispatch dispatch=product.view, and because i have and the tseo addons tha correct the url, for example is the dispatch is dispatch=product.view the addon correct the url to category/subcategory/product-name, but when the product open in dispatch=companies.product_view the seo addons not work and the products open with dipatch , that is not good for seo,

I do not see such a mode on the clean Multi-Vendor installation. Do you use 3rd party addon or theme to show products through non-default dispatch?

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i use seo addon , provided by cs-cart

in some websites that i have , when I open a product it opens like this which is that i want

in some others it opens like this

and and if i put in the url the link /apparel-and-accessories/clothing-en/accessories/test-dispatch-product/
it again rederect me in /index.php?dispatch=companies.product_view&product_id=45&company_id=5

Please temporary disable all 4rd party modules and check the result.

I have make many tests like,
1.Disable the SEO Addon provided by cs cart, and the result are, this link /extra-services/professional-branding/ turn into this /index.php?dispatch=producs.view&product_id=435348.
2. I have clone a website with correct product page like this link /extra-services/professional-branding/, and results are the same, the new website open the products on this dispatch /index.php?dispatch=companies.product_view…
3. I changed the dispatch name in manual way in the cs cart panel of the layout Vendor Product Page, from companies.product_view to products.view, and nothing changed.
4. Changed the vendor of the storefront that opened the products on this dispatch /index.php?dispatch=companies.product_view, and put the vendor of a storefront that openend the products on this dispatch /index.php?dispatch=producs.view.
My conclusion is that the problem is not to the seo addon but the problem might be the vendor, the category or the products.

As I wrote you earlier, companies.product_view is not default dispatch. So the problem is not in the default SEO module, but in the 3rd party addon/ modification/ theme

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Thanks for your help. I found the option on a addon

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