Product details page


I want to change this page.

The product title above image and product details info

I want the description on the right of the product detail image.

Beside the price I want the order amount

Under price the SKU and under the order amount the buy button

Below SKU and BUY button the short description with link more to the complete description.

Than under the description the options.

If possible that you can hide and unhide them. When you forget the options than it unhide automaticly.

I will work on an image for an example.

But if you know what I mean, someone can p[oint me i the right direction?

Go to skins/basic/customer/blocks/product_templates

Edit the default_template.tpl file by moving or editing the areas you want to edit.

The way I do it is randomly scatter





throughout the file. Now when I view the page I can see what letters are near what I want to change and then I know what code to modify on the page.

I would make a backup of the file first.

[quote name='Triplets' timestamp='1360114889' post='154544']

The way I do it is randomly scatter





throughout the file. Now when I view the page I can see what letters are near what I want to change and then I know what code to modify on the page.

I would make a backup of the file first.


Good tip !

OK. Will try this out. Want to use an table to split up the product information.

Hi, I've tried it. And it worked. It's not yet 100% the way I want it but it's for 90% allright. See here the result: [url=“”][/url]

Anyone an idea to put an table in here. So I can put 2 items next to each other.

Example: Buy button next to in stock.