Product Details Page Tabs GONE?

I have upgraded a while ago to 2.0.14 live store. Had some issues etc restored backup of sql etc then reapplied update.

However I have recently noticed, that my Product Details Page Tabs are gone from within the Admin=>design=>Blocks=>Products page and the shop side description tabs etc are gone.

See attached pics 1-4.jpg

I would like to know how to get then back do i need to maybe update my one of my files from config_skin … etc or has the database missed an sql statement etc.

Help for a fix would be great as my store is live and customers can’t seen product descriptions once viewing a product at the single product level.

If a complete re-install is required, I could use some guidance on product export / import to a new install of cs cart install. I know to use a CSV but the picture seem to die, (upload method: the cscart/upload from local with cscart asigned names)







It’s apparent that the old and new database aren’t compatible.

Try exporting products from the store missing the tabs and importing them into a fresh install.

Next, move the skins directory. Select the skin in the admin section.

Lastly, move the images directory. That should get you 90% of the way to a completely working store.