Product data tpl page unexpected error

Im facing errors with this product_data.tpl

“tygh:/home/riwayaco/public_html/development/design/themes/responsive/templates/common/product_data.tpl” on line 393 “{if $capture.capture_product_labels_{”$obj_prefix"}{“$obj_id”}|trim}" - Unexpected “{”, expected one of: “}”

what is happening exactly I have tried everything

It does not look like default template. What version do you use?

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Version 3.5 I believe.

If it’s your template, written by you, it’s hard to provide any specific guidance. I don’t know what exact effect do you want to achieve.
If you don’t have experience with writing modifications for CS-Cart, it may be a better idea to contact with one of the paid developers to assist you.

I meant CS-Cart version.

4.16 the version of my cs-cart

Looks like this template contains 3rd party changes. Please backup this template and restore original file from var/themes_repository/responsive directory

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Oh thanks, What could possibly be this 3rd party? How can i know where is this party?

I cannot answer on your question. May be any developer or CS-Cart support team worked on your store?