Product Blocks Contents In Apple Devices Are Empty


I faced a killing issue this morning.

I noticed my product blocks in my home page wont show up and all are empty only in apple devices both Macintosh and ios.

I have only my banners on my home page and i have checked it in safari and chrome in many apple smart phones and MacBooks. All are the same.

Please someone help me.

Here is my store address:

I've used the shorten form of my url just for hiding my address from search engines.

Thank you in advanced.


Hello again,

my problem hasn't been solved yet. actually i don't have any idea that what is the cause of the problem.

any help and idea would be appreciated.


I see javascript error in the developer console of the browser. Try to temporary disable 3rd party addons one by one and check the result

Today your website is unavailable. Check it, please.

Today your website is unavailable. Check it, please.

I checked it and didn't see any problem. maybe that have been a temporary problem.

I see javascript error in the developer console of the browser. Try to temporary disable 3rd party addons one by one and check the result

I think its better to follow your solution on a Macbook.

I will leave the result report shortly.

Thank you for your advise.

i got new strange errors around 2 hrs ago. it repeated 5 times in 2 minutes.

here is details:

error: Unknown column 'descr1.search_words' in 'where clause' (1054)
query: SELECT cscart_product_filters.filter_id, cscart_product_features_values.variant_id FROM cscart_product_features_values LEFT JOIN cscart_products as products ON products.product_id = cscart_product_features_values.product_id LEFT JOIN cscart_product_filters ON cscart_product_filters.feature_id = cscart_product_features_values.feature_id LEFT JOIN cscart_product_features ON cscart_product_features.feature_id = cscart_product_features_values.feature_id LEFT JOIN cscart_companies AS companies ON companies.company_id = products.company_id INNER JOIN cscart_products_categories as products_categories ON products_categories.product_id = products.product_id INNER JOIN cscart_categories ON cscart_categories.category_id = products_categories.category_id AND (cscart_categories.usergroup_ids = '' OR FIND_IN_SET(0, cscart_categories.usergroup_ids) OR FIND_IN_SET(1, cscart_categories.usergroup_ids)) AND cscart_categories.status IN ('A', 'H') WHERE cscart_product_filters.filter_id IN (26, 8) AND cscart_product_features_values.feature_id IN (18) AND cscart_product_features_values.lang_code = 'fa' AND companies.vendor_in_vacation = 'N' AND companies.company_id NOT IN (SELECT company_id FROM cscart_sd_vacation_mode_for_vendors WHERE start_period <= 1528900827 AND 1528900827 < end_period) AND (((descr1.search_words LIKE '%0%'))) AND companies.status = 'A' AND (products.usergroup_ids = '' OR FIND_IN_SET(0, products.usergroup_ids) OR FIND_IN_SET(1, products.usergroup_ids)) AND products.status IN ('A') AND products.approved = 'Y' AND companies.company_id IN (22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 19, 21) AND cscart_product_features.feature_type IN ('S', 'M', 'E') GROUP BY cscart_product_features_values.variant_id
index.php (fn_dispatch): 25
app/functions/fn.control.php (fetch): 618
app/Tygh/SmartyEngine/Core.php (fetch): 76
app/lib/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php (content_5b1fba074566d8_22039519): 188
var/cache/templates/abt__unitheme/983eb39b02c43c895c597684028d6137e137ef40.tygh.index.tpl.php (smarty_function_render_location): 150
app/functions/smarty_plugins/function.render_location.php (render): 48
app/Tygh/BlockManager/RenderManager.php (_renderContainer): 155
app/Tygh/BlockManager/RenderManager.php (renderGrids): 191
app/Tygh/BlockManager/RenderManager.php (renderGrid): 221
app/Tygh/BlockManager/RenderManager.php (renderBlocks): 346
app/Tygh/BlockManager/RenderManager.php (renderBlock): 384
app/Tygh/BlockManager/RenderManager.php (renderBlockContent): 440
app/Tygh/BlockManager/RenderManager.php (getValue): 593
app/Tygh/BlockManager/RenderManager.php (getItems): 723
app/Tygh/BlockManager/Block.php (call_user_func): 809
app/functions/fn.catalog.php (fn_get_filters_products_count): 10178
app/functions/fn.catalog.php (db_get_hash_single_array): 10628
app/functions/fn.database.php (getSingleHash): 107
app/Tygh/Database/Connection.php (call_user_func_array): 376
app/Tygh/Database/Connection.php (query): 488

i got new strange errors around 2 hrs ago. it repeated 5 times in 2 minutes.

Do you have any addons related with search? Try to temporary disable them. For some reason one table is not included into request