In Storefront, when a product is added to the basket, the number in the basket icon changes according to the quantity of the product, but I want the number in the basket to be updated according to different products, how can I do this?
In Storefront, when a product is added to the basket, the number in the basket icon changes according to the quantity of the product, but I want the number in the basket to be updated according to different products, how can I do this?
What theme do you use?
I use to UniTheme 2
try to replace
<i class="ut2-icon-use_icon_cart filled"><span class="ty-minicart-count">{$smarty.session.cart.amount}</span></i><span>{__("cart")}</span>
<i class="ut2-icon-use_icon_cart filled"><span class="ty-minicart-count">{$smarty.session.cart.products|count}</span></i><span>{__("cart")}</span>
Then clear cache
(!) Not tested