Print Product Features


i've to print product features on product scroll box home page and category page (like product page after product title).
I've finded the data on 'header_features' properties but on my template file this is missing...

You should add something like the following:

{assign var="features" value="product_features_$obj_id"}
{if $smarty.capture.$features}
{$smarty.capture.$features nofilter}

to the appropriate list template. It is one of the files in the design/themes/[your_theme]/templates/blocks/list_templates fol;der.

i've to print product features on product scroll box home page and category page (like product page after product title).
I've finded the data on 'header_features' properties but on my template file this is missing...

Header features are used on the product details page only and they are displayed near the product headers.

Except for the changes specified by simtechdev, there should be specific parameters in the block manager schema which will get product features from database and you should use the show_features parameter when the common/product_data.tpl template is called

Thanks to all