Php Warning: Strpos():

I posted this issue in bug tracker but it's not getting much attention and nobody else seems to have the issue so I thought I would pick some brains in the forum.

[07-Apr-2018 14:41:40 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  strpos(): Offset not contained in string in /home/user/public_html/app/functions/fn.common.php on line 2145

I have been getting these warning for some time now and I have been able to trace it down to only certain product pages but I cannot figure out exactly what is causing it. Can anyone tell me what this function truncates?

function fn_truncate_chars($text, $limit, $ellipsis = '...')
    if (strlen($text) > $limit) {
        $pos_end = strpos(str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n", "\t"), ' ', $text), ' ', $limit);
    if($pos_end !== false)
        $text = trim(substr($text, 0, $pos_end)) . $ellipsis;

return $text;



Could you try matching the timestamp from your warning with the one in the access log to see what dispatch has triggered this warning?

Kind regards,

Like I stated, the warnings occur on various product pages in the frontend.

You'll probably have to add some debugging and look for when the strpos returns false and error_get_last() and look at the "message" element. It should contain 'strpos'. When it does, you can do a debug_backtrace() to see how you got there.

The actual error is that $limit -1 is more than the length of the string. Ie. strpos("a", "abc", 3) would return that error since "abc"[3] does is beyond the length of "abc". So you'll have to see what is calling the function with an invalid $limit.

Okay, apparently this has something to do with the pinterest button from the social buttons addon when truncating the description.

PHP Warning

strpos(): Offset not contained in string
Error at

app/functions/fn.common.php, line: 2145
File: app/functions/fn.common.php
Line: 2145
Function: {closure}
File: app/addons/social_buttons/func.php
Line: 61
Function: fn_truncate_chars
File: app/addons/social_buttons/func.php
Line: 32
Function: fn_pinterest_prepare_settings
File: app/addons/social_buttons/controllers/frontend/
Line: 32
Function: fn_get_sb_provider_settings
File: app/functions/fn.control.php
Line: 702
Function: include
File: app/functions/fn.control.php
Line: 460
Function: fn_run_controller
File: index.php
Line: 25
Function: fn_dispatch

    $pinterest_params = array(
‘url’ => urlencode(fn_sb_get_url()),
‘media’ => urlencode(fn_get_sb_image_url($params)),
‘description’ => rawurlencode(fn_truncate_chars(htmlspecialchars(fn_get_sb_description($params)), 200)),
‘params’ => ‘’,
This is the description for the product.

EZ Red XLM500-GR EZR-XLM500-GR Xtreme Magnetic Light, Green

  • Includes 360 degree magnetic base

  • Logo COB LED

  • Micro USB recharcheable rotating stand and handle

  • Rugged bumper protectors

  • On/Off Button

Suggest you look at line 61 on your site of the social_buttons/func.php file. On my site it has:

'description' => rawurlencode(fn_truncate_chars(htmlspecialchars(fn_get_sb_description($params)), 200)),

The 200 parameter is supposed to be a max limit. However, there's a bug in that function where the comparison is done BEFORE the str_replace. And the string length is ending up less than $limit because 2 chars can be replaced by 1 "\r\n' replaced with ' '. This alters the length of the string.

Suggest you submit a report to bugtracker with this info.

You can probably fix it by changing

. if (strlen($text) > $limit) {
        $pos_end = strpos(str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n", "\t"), ' ', $text), ' ', $limit);
   if($pos_end !== false)
        $text = trim(substr($text, 0, $pos_end)) . $ellipsis;

Suggest you look at line 61 on your site of the social_buttons/func.php file.

I posted that piece/line of code above and you have what I have.

Suggest you submit a report to bugtracker with this info.

I did a month ago and it's been under review for as long. That's why I am picking your brain. Do you reckon we'll get compensated for fixing it? LMAO

What exactly does ". " do? It's the only thing I see different in your code and the original.

Looks like a chunk of my posting got dropped. There should have been a


    $stripped = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n", "\t"), ' ', $text),;
    if (strlen($stripped) > $limit) {
        $pos_end = strpos($stripped, $limit);
   if($pos_end !== false)
        $text = trim(substr($text, 0, $pos_end)) . $ellipsis;


Note that in the above, it's possible for the returned text to be less than 200 chars given that any "\r\n" chars (2) will be evaluated against the 200 as a single char..

It looks like it fixed it. You left a comma after $text). The working function is:

function fn_truncate_chars($text, $limit, $ellipsis = '...')
    $stripped = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n", "\t"), ' ', $text);
    if (strlen($stripped) > $limit) {
        $pos_end = strpos($stripped, $limit);
    if($pos_end !== false)
        $text = trim(substr($text, 0, $pos_end)) . $ellipsis;

return $text;


Just a friendly note to others...if you use cpanel, do not use the file editor to edit the /apps/functions/fn.common.php. It will not only change the charset within the code in the file but it will save it as gb18030 even if you select utf-8.

Glad it works for you. As I said, UNTESTED.