

I am using version 1.3.5 -sp2

We have our own merchant services etc and use sagepay, but we have a growing demand to add paypal. We have a paypal business account and have done all the API access stuff and downloaded the API Certificate.

Now I am completely stuck as to what to do with it. Apparently I am to change the the extension .TXT to .PEM , this I did as instructed and got .PEM.TXT. I am also to ecrypt it and upload it back to paypal and also to my cart. aghhh! Any help most welcome and appreciated. (If you live in Cornwall UK even better)

What is more irritating is that paypal use words like ‘simple seamless intergration’

I am not the most computer literate but we have managed to do everything ourselves up to now.



If you use Sage Pay you can accept Paypal payments through them, which would eliminate the need to integrate Paypal seperately. Then all you need to do is let your customers know they can pay either by using Paypal or by using their credit/debit card.

To accept Paypal payments via Sagepay, you just need to follow the (much easier to use) instructions on how to do so on your ‘My Sagepay’ settings page.

I have integrated Paypal seperately on my site, but I did it such a long time ago I can’t remember exactly how I did it.

[quote name=‘12voltshop’]Hi.

I am using version 1.3.5 -sp2

We have our own merchant services etc and use sagepay, but we have a growing demand to add paypal. We have a paypal business account and have done all the API access stuff and downloaded the API Certificate.

Now I am completely stuck as to what to do with it. Apparently I am to change the the extension .TXT to .PEM , this I did as instructed and got .PEM.TXT. I am also to ecrypt it and upload it back to paypal and also to my cart. aghhh! Any help most welcome and appreciated. (If you live in Cornwall UK even better)

What is more irritating is that paypal use words like ‘simple seamless intergration’

I am not the most computer literate but we have managed to do everything ourselves up to now.



Certificate is not required for standard paypal website payments. You need only to type in your paypal email in paypal payment method “account” field.

In order to use paypal express checkout you do need a certificate.

In your account go to profile > API Access > use Option 2 o generate certificate. This certificate must be placed in payments/certificates on your server, in express checkout payment method configuration type in certificates name exactly as uploaded to server. Use provided API name and pass, set to LIVE unless you got paypal sandbox test account.