Page Or Link On Footer With The Categories


Is there any way to create a page with all categories in it or a link or even a menu in footer?

Use catalog and/or sitemap instead of creating another page.

Use catalog and/or sitemap instead of creating another page.

How can I use the catalogue?

Can u please help me?

How can I use the catalogue?

Can u please help me?

Just add '/catalog/' to the end like Also it helps with sitemap (

Also you can set a categories block with 'text links' template.

Just add '/catalog/' to the end like Also it helps with sitemap (/sitemap).

Can I add some custom css to this?

From the catalog.tpl?

Can I add some custom css to this?

From the catalog.tpl?

Yes, you can add your css into Custom CSS via Theme editor. You can read about it in this article

Yes, you can add your css into Custom CSS via Theme editor. You can read about it in this article

Thank you for the info!

I will give it a try...

Note that there a bug here (all categories are always displayed in one column). To fix it, please open the design/themes/THEME/templates/views/categories/catalog.tpl file and replace:

{include file="views/categories/components/categories_multicolumns.tpl" categories=$root_categories}


{include file="views/categories/components/categories_multicolumns.tpl" categories=$root_categories columns=4}

If you are familiar with hooks, there is a hook there