Out of Stock Notification - Can I view the lists?


I have two questions on the Out Of Stock Notification maybe someone knows the answers to.

  • Is it possible to view how many customers are ‘waiting’ for a product to come back in stock?

  • Once the item is back in stock and the e-mail is sent out, do those e-mails for that product get deleted?

    I sell a lot of old refurbished video game boards, and once one sells it might be sometime before I can get a hold of and repair another one. I am wondering if there is a way to see how many people are ‘watching and waiting’ for the product to be back in stock? This is important for me as if I see there is one product customers are waiting for much more than others, I will try to get that product available back in stock quicker.

    I did a quick look through the database also but not sure where the out of stock notification e-mails are stored.

    Thank you again for any help you might be able to provide/suggest. :grin:

The back in stock routine that comes with CS-Cart treats signups as “subscriptions”. To view what has been signed up for, go to Products. Click on the link for Product Subscriptions. You will basically get the same product listing display except there is a new colum labeled Subscribers. You can click on the column heading to sort the listing by subscribes. Twice should get you a descending quantity listing. As far as emails go, I think they are not stored anywhere.