Order Summary Page

I always think the ordering proccess should be as smooth and painless as possible. I received a couple orders where the payment didn’t clear. I realized it was because the order summary page made it look like the user was done. Even though they still had to go through the paypal payment part.

So I changed the order summary page to this…

I also shrank the customers comment area as I felt it was too large, I know these are very small things. But why take the risk of losing an order because someone got lost or confused, especially after you’ve put so much time and marketing into your site.

The code I replaced was in skins\your_skin\customer\cart_pages\checkout.tpl

Scroll to the very bottom and find the following code.


Replace everything UNDER that with the following:


{if $payment_method.params.button}



{include file=“buttons/place_order.tpl” but_onclick=“javascript: if (fn_can_place_order()) document.place_order_form.submit();”}



Wait! You're not done yet, please review your information and click "Place Order" Thank you!

{if $payment_method.params.button}
{include file="buttons/place_order.tpl" but_onclick="javascript: if (fn_can_place_order()) document.place_order_form.submit();"}

{include file="common_templates/mainbox.tpl" title=$lang.summary content=$smarty.capture.mainbox}


Hope this helps some of you guys.:)

Thanks for sharing!