Order Status Error

I need to change an incoming order to a certain status depending on the chosen payment method. So I did this:

<br />
function fn_my_changes_change_order_status($status_to, $status_from, $order_info, $force_notification, $order_statuses, $place_order)<br />
{<br />
    if ($order_info['payment_method']['payment_id'] == 19) {<br />
	    $status_to = 'G';<br />
    }<br />
}<br />

```<br />
<br />
Works well enough, but the problem is that I can't change the status for these orders anymore (in the admin panel). Whatever I try changing it to I get the error: [color=#B94A48]Error while updating the status. Status was not changed.[/color]<br />
<br />
What did I miss?

Forgot to mention I'm using the my_changes addon for this.

Never mind, I figure this out… pretty obvious the if clause was wrong