order processed E-mail configuration

order processed E-mail configuration setting

I test my cart by paypal method, once cart redirect to paypal. E-mail sent to admin and customer immediately.

Without payment, E-mail sent because it’s sent before get successful report from paypal first.

How can I change to send order E-mail after payment is completed?

[quote name=‘mrcraz’]order processed E-mail configuration setting

I test my cart by paypal method, once cart redirect to paypal. E-mail sent to admin and customer immediately.

Without payment, E-mail sent because it’s sent before get successful report from paypal first.

How can I change to send order E-mail after payment is completed?

Simply un-check the box that says to notify customer and manualy send it once you see a payments has succeded.

Yes, this way is okay but there is any way to do like that. I have used X-cart before and system will send mail only payment is completed.

Or, if possible for you, setup Paypal Express Payments & eliminate the problem for good!

Go to Orders/Order status and select which order statuses you want mail sent on and which you don’t. When an order is marked Processed (P) is assumes payment has been made.