Order ID stuck at 16777215

I just set up my site and place a trial order and the order id shows up 16777215, I tried to set it to any lower number in the setup, but it always shows up 16777215, and I can not place another order, it will show order#16777215 is duplicated error message.

I am not familiar with database setting, and I try to set the order id to lower number then I can place the 2nd order but the id number jump back to 16777215.

I found out the maximum allowed packet and max heap table size in the server variables and settings is 16777216, it looks like the cscart uses the maximum number allowed automatically, which is 16777215, then the next order id 16777216 is over the limit, maybe that is why I cannot place the 2nd order.

Anybody heard this problem before? how to solve it?

Go to your admin panel

Admin>General>initial Order value… set to what you want :wink:

If you set your initial order to a very high number (above 16777215) you’ll need to change your datatype for the order_id fields. There are two tables: order_data and order_details. The orders table is already done. CSCART probably forgot to change the last two tables.

My plan is to frequently update the order number to a numbering sequence following the date. This way repeat customers really can’t tell how many orders were placed from the time of their last order.

i think it’s possible to solve the problem to change structure of the field, put int(11) instead mediumint(8).

[quote name=‘NDanecker’]If you set your initial order to a very high number (above 16777215) you’ll need to change your datatype for the order_id fields. There are two tables: order_data and order_details. The orders table is already done. CSCART probably forgot to change the last two tables.

My plan is to frequently update the order number to a numbering sequence following the date. This way repeat customers really can’t tell how many orders were placed from the time of their last order.[/QUOTE]

set a cron job to update order id example _ _ [date] _ _ [order id]

how to retrieve the order date and parse into the orderid?


This helped me with a long integer order number by changing to int(11) on those tables. Evidently needed in v3 for long order numbers.

Just make sure to change all the Order ID related table fields structure.