Order Communications

I could not find an article about this subject.

How does this work?

If I create a post under “communication” on the “Orders page”, does this get emailed to the customer or does the customer have to know to sign in and look for the message?

[quote name='jimmyod' timestamp='1401972531' post='185144']

I could not find an article about this subject.

How does this work?

If I create a post under “communication” on the “Orders page”, does this get emailed to the customer or does the customer have to know to sign in and look for the message?


If the post is added from the admin panel. the system will send motification to the customer e-mail

If the post is added from the front-end. the system will send motification to the orders deparment e-mail

This beahvior is only for the orders. For other objects (products, categories, e.t.c.), the system send notifications only to the e-mails specified on the add-on settings page.

[quote name='eComLabs' timestamp='1401973980' post='185150']

If the post is added from the admin panel. the system will send motification to the customer e-mail

If the post is added from the front-end. the system will send motification to the orders deparment e-mail

This beahvior is only for the orders. For other objects (products, categories, e.t.c.), the system send notifications only to the e-mails specified on the add-on settings page.

[/quote]Thank you. I sent a post to the customer (from admin panel) assuming they would get an email,have not heard from customer yet. I would think that after I sent post maybe a message would appear saying something “Post successfully sent to customer”. But it's all good .

HI, I know this is a very old thread, but we are still running CSC v2.1.4

We need ti fix the shortcomming with the Order Discussions emails.

We need the subject line of the emails to have more usefull information:

At the moment the subject line reads (example):

“RE: COMPANY: Communication - Order”

For traceablilty purposes, it would be more useful for the subject line to be:

“RE: COMPANY: Communication - Order #1234,”

I just cant find where to make the change,

Has anyone fixed this.?

Help appreciated

Dear Remoteone,

Please check this file addons/discussion/common/disscusion.php

In 94 line, after if (AREA == 'C') {

please add $view_mail->assign('object_id', $object[object_id]);

the same for elseif (AREA == 'A') {

Check file \skins\basic\mail\addons\discussion\notification_subj.tpl

after {$company_placement_info.company_name|unescape}: {$subject}

please add {if $object_id}#{$object_id}{/if}

There are also 2 files that you should change a little.



Best regards, Alt-team.

Hi Alt-team,

Brilliant! it seems to work fine.

Note: I dont have “addons/discussion/common/disscusion.php” but do have “addons/discussion/controllers/common/disscusion.php” so have made the changes there.

Thanks for your expert advice, greatly appreciated…

[quote name='remoteone' timestamp='1419264536' post='200602']

Hi Alt-team,

Brilliant! it seems to work fine.

Note: I dont have “addons/discussion/common/disscusion.php” but do have “addons/discussion/controllers/common/disscusion.php” so have made the changes there.

Thanks for your expert advice, greatly appreciated…


Thank you for the kind words! We are always at your service.

Best regards, Alt-team.