No-Index Pagination Category


I have a question, i want to set the cs-cart, to no-index the pagination of the site, , and i understand, i cant set from robots.txt, that i used meta.tpl .

OK, i replaced: /public_html/design/themes/basic/templates/addons/my_changes/hooks/index/meta.override.tpl ,


{hook name=“index:meta”}

{if $display_base_href}


{hook name="index:meta_description"}



with override:

{hook name="index:meta"}
{if $display_base_href}{/if}

{hook name="index:meta_description"}


{if $noindex}{/if}

And now, i dont know, how to set, that no-index to take only the pagination: /page-3/ . Help. Please

You are sure you need [color=#ff0000]noindex[/color]? i consider will be wise to use [color=#ff0000]canonical[/color]


[color=#808080][size=2]part of[/size][/color]

I didnt understand Vali, can you please, detail you ideaa.Thanks.