New module for auto 301 redirects


Due to in one of our stores have changed all categorization of products, all visits from Google got a 404 error page. Also, Google WebMaster Tools indicate a lots of errors.

To solve this, I’ve developed one addon that made automatic redirects from old locations to new.



Redirect to:


They works with pages, news, categories and products.

Please note that cannon redirects whe you change the url seo name


They NOT redirect to


Live example.


New redirect to


You can change “ofertas” for any

Another examples





You can buy them for 19$. Payment via paypal.

Please send me a message for more info

Have you not some nice pictures from backend and frontent?

You know with pictures you sell ever more :slight_smile:

Can you explain, how it’s function ? how we can manager this in admin panel ?

This module cannot have any admin configuration !!!

They verifies that any content it’s available for current url. If not content it’s avalilable, searches the correct url for they “seo name” and if available, make the redirection

This module cannot allow to create custom redirects

This type of sales advertisement should be posted in the 3rd party section, not a Q&A section.

I think you have to contact to cscartrocks member, they have make 301 addon, check their website,

They have no 301 module, just CS-Cart Canonical URL and Duplicate Content Fix Addon :frowning: