Need someone to fix default Payway Payment Gateway

Hi, CS Cart comes default with their advertised payment processes for PayWay (Australia Westpac) but it doesn’t work. This has been an ongoing complaint with them, it is in the standard default CS Cart package but they won’t help to fix it. About 5 years ago they fixed it for me but their next update overwrote their fixed file with the non working version. I have paid their help desk to fix it but they say they can’t fix it.

So, I am after someone who can create a fix for me to use PayWay (I assume the trusted frame method) for my site

Payway: PayWay Net

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The Westpac payment method was updated in 4.15.2. Please feel free to upgrade your installation to this version, in order to use this payment method.

Thanks, but I couldn’t see it listed in what the update included. The problem is that I am not getting an email of the order as the order status stays incomplete however I get an email from Payway of the payment. In the order list in CS Cart there are many incomplete orders and I have to go through each one to see if they have actually paid by credit card or not, some customers place an order and have no idea if their order has gone through or not etc.

Sounds exactly like the initial issue that was taken into account in 4.15.2.

In the changelog it is listed as:
“The mcrypt polyfill package was added for some payments that use mcrypt.”

So I recommend you to perform the upgrade to this one version and check if it helps.