My account

Is there a way that you can only show the block my account only after logging in?


I could be wrong but I think the My Account block has the login link … so nobody will be able to log in unless that block is visible

I wouldnt necessarily disable it rather disable links within it that you dont want non-registered users to see. I would think you’d just want to keep if for the Order tracking and sign-in at least…maybe hide the “wish list” and other links that non registered users can’t use. You can do that by using the “!auth” statement you see in most buttons.

[quote name=‘racingsolution’]I could be wrong but I think the My Account block has the login link … so nobody will be able to log in unless that block is visible[/QUOTE]

I have a seprate log in register in the header so having two visible is a bit redundant.

I want that block to show after login if possible.