multiple currencies

I have a question regarding site owners who have multiple currencies for their site.

I have 2 currencies USD and CDN.

nice currency drop list shows and I put CDN and USA flag - all good.

what I am wondering is, are you not concerned that users can select the lower price currency for a product and add that to their cart and then checkout.

There is nothing stopping a CDN customer selecting USD for the product and adding it to their cart - the billing/shipping address doesnt force them to change the currency - is it just me or is something missing here?

What are you doing for your multi-currency store


The buyer isn’t really getting a better (or worse) price as long as you keep your exchange rates up to date. I wish they would add code to do the update automatically from someone like

If someone buys something for $10.16 CDN you going to get $9.95 USD and vice-versa so someone buys something for 7.28 Euros you get $9.95 USD.