Moving Top-Right Pop-Up Messages?

When testing some orders, we noticed that when payment is declined, there is just a red box in the upper right corner that briefly appears but on the main screen there is really no indication the order failed. I think some people could miss this and think the order was successful.

Is there a way to get it where the Order Decline message is in the middle of the screen and the Re-Order and other inapplicable buttons are not displayed?

Sometimes I wonder what the thinking was on this and other strange stuff especially on the Checkout. I may be an E-Commerce Consultant but a lot of the checkout flow stuff really amounts to common sense, not rocket science. It is as if the designers of the software (which in general is good software) don’t do much online shopping. But even so, it is pretty easy to ask yourself is this easy or not? But I suppose when you are looking at a product you created - it is intuitive to you (programmers are the worst testers - it’s like looking for flaws in your children.)

Not I’m using 2.0.15 and NOT the one-page checkout.

Hello Consultant,

Several of the “concerns” you have mentioned in your recent posts related to 2.0.15 have been improved upon in more recent releases of CS-Cart.

You should strongly consider doing a test install of latest production or release candidate version 2.1.3 RC to see just how much has changed since 2.0.15, you just may decide it is best to upgrade a few “steps”. :wink:

[QUOTE]programmers are the worst testers[/QUOTE]

Yeah, programmers are different animals, it is as if they are seldom allowed to leave their cubicles & visit the real world outside! :smiley:

I would upgrade! but if you dont, try this

Customer side: around line 169 in /skins/YOURSKIN/customer/styles.base.css:


/* Notification box /

.cm-notification-container {

position: fixed;

right: 8px;

top: 0px;

z-index: 16;

admin side: around line 856 in /skins/YOURSKIN/admin/styles.css:


Notification box */

.cm-notification-container {

position: fixed;

right: 8px;

top: 0px;

z-index: 16;

Make sure to clear your cache after making the changes.
