Most Stable Version

I am still running version 2.1.2 and I am cautiously thinking about upgrading to a later version (presently not having any major issues) but I am reluctant to start causing new headaches for myself.

What version is currently regarded as the most stable version of CS cart?

From where you're at, I would go to 2.1.4 and stop there.

Since you don't seem to need any of the newest features, there is no reason for you to go to the most current release. From what I've observed, lagging-edge merchants (cautious merchants) should probably wait for the 2.2.2 release before upgrading. As with any new release with several new features, there are bugs and the most important will be addressed in the next release.

I would expect there to be a 2.2.2 late this month or so and then in about September/October, expect a 2.3.0 release which will support cs-cart's multi-store implementation.

Agree with the above.

2.1.4 is basically 2.1.2 with a lot of bugfixes, and is very stable.

My suggestion would be if spend time upgrading then to latest version if not better not upgrade at all. Support team will handle any problem you might encounter.

Personally I see nothing attractive in latest release so I will wait another half a year.

Wait, don't upgrade to the newest version they just released. It is bug infested. I'd wait a few months until cs-cart can get a handle on all of these bugs. I wish I had waited. I started the upgrade on 1 of my websites and have the biggest headache now. Is it worth the stress of cs-carts bug infested upgrades? NO, it is not worth the stress.