Meta PRODUCT_NAME 2.0.10

2.0.10 Product meta name destroyed

Google Search no products :confused:

[COLOR=“Red”]v. 2.0.10[/COLOR]

Found no meta tags.

Meta tags analysis.

Title: Found no title.

The title is used by most of the search engines. Consider adding a title.

Description: Found no description meta tag.

The description meta tag is used by most of the search engines. Consider adding a description meta tag.

Keywords: Found no keywords meta tag.

The keyword meta tag is still used by many search engines. Consider adding a keyword meta tag.

Robots: Found no robots meta tag.

This tag is not really required but helps spiders to index the web page.

Author: Found no author meta tag.

This tag is not really required but helps for your (company) name recognition.



[COLOR=“Green”]Meta tags analysis.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=“Green”]Title: [/COLOR]Title meta tag contains no errors.

This tag contains 11 characters.

Title relevancy to page content is excellent.

The Title relevancy to page content is 100%.

[COLOR=“Green”]Description:[/COLOR] This tag contains too many characters.

This tag contains 265 characters. This is too many for what we would consider a ‘robot friendly’ web page. The maximum number of characters we recommend for this tag is 250.

[COLOR=“Green”]Keywords: [/COLOR]This tag contains too many keywords.

This tag contains 39 keywords. This is too many for what we would consider a ‘robot friendly’ web page. The maximum number of keywords we recommend for this tag is 25.

Keyword relevancy to page content is very poor. However, this is not necessarily bad if you have a lot of content. The most important factor is to have your keywords on the page a few times.

The keywords relevancy to page content is 59%.

[COLOR=“Green”]Robots:[/COLOR] The Robots meta tag contains no errors.

This tag contains 10 characters.

[COLOR=“Green”]Author:[/COLOR] The Author meta tag contains no errors.

This tag contains 26 characters.

site significantly decreased access them

daily visitors

2.0.8 : 3.000 visitors

2.0.010: 250 visitors



I’m using 2.0.10 and my meta tags are fine. Make sure your:



Also, I don’t know if it has to do with the google bug, but check out:


I hope this helps,


I am having the same problem … since upgrading my store I have fallen off the google search … did you fix the problem??