Menu/submenu colors

I’m wondering if anyone know where I could change the font colors of menus?

In vendor stores, their dropdown menus are barely visible unless you select one.

I think it would make sense if it can function like the main menu.

Does anyone know how I could achieve this?

You can use CSS section of the Theme editor to add extra styles to menu items

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I assumed as much to know where to achieve this; however I was more specific to requesting as to how.

It is required to check your store-front. As far as I can see, it is closed now

Installing the latest update has left me without a functional main page. :man_facepalming:
However the rest of the site seems to be functional,

I’m quickly learning that for every one thing that gets fixed, four new issues seem to pop up. It’s quite frustrating, actually.

Still require a solution for this. Anyone have any idea?

I have checked the All4Sale vendor and see correct menu colors. Please advise

After receiving numerous emails about the dropdown menus being invisible, moving them unexpectedly changed the colors, making them visible on PC. However, many users are still reporting the same issue on mobile devices, so the problem persists.

Please try to add the following code to the CSS section of the Theme editor

@media (max-width: 767px) {
    .ty-menu__submenu-items .ty-menu__submenu-link {
        color: #0b96ee !important;


That worked! Thank you so much!!!

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