Meet CS-Cart 4.17.1 with translatable seller data and integration updates

As always, the new version is released on the same day for all our products:

  • CS-Cart Store Builder for single-seller stores
  • CS-Cart Multi-Vendor for marketplaces

Upgrades to version 4.17.1 will initially be available in small batches, on the “first downloaded, first upgraded” basis. In a few weeks, we’ll lift the restriction.

  • For the cloud Multi-Vendor No-Code, these new features are coming as well, but at a later date. Since we are the ones who upgrade all No-Code marketplaces, you’ll just find the new features in your marketplace one day, without the need to run an upgrade.

Important improvements:

  • Integration with United States Postal Service updated
  • Seller data is now translatable
  • Multiple issues fixed in Stripe and Stripe Connect
  • Multiple improvements to Common Products

More changes in our change log and in the blog post.

4.17.1 EN

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## Entering the phone number has become more convenient for the customer

When on windows + firefox you have to scroll lots to select country, you cannot type via keyboard first country letter or part of name to find faster… Most modern websites got this…

Also cannot understand why states and country is aligned to right while everything else to left?


Does this version support php 8.1? from the image is clear yes but I dont see mentioned this aspect in CS-Cart 4.17.1 Changelog — CS-Cart 4.17.x documentation

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Yes. This is mentioned in blog post.

PHP 8.1 support added

By the end of 2023, PHP 8.0 will reach its end of life. It will no longer receive security patches, potentially leaving its users vulnerable to various exploits. Eventually, newer versions of PHP replace older ones; CS-Cart has to follow suit, if only to work with the majority of modern web hosting services out of the box.

That’s why CS-Cart 4.17.1 supports PHP 8.1. To achieve this, we had to bump the minimum required PHP version from 7.1.0 to 7.2.5.


Any ideas as to why I do not see this in my settings?

To do this, go to “Settings > Appearance” and set the “Allowed phone numbers” to “Phone number with country selection”.

“Phone number with country selection” is absent option in drop down menu.

PS upgrade was flawless, no errors or other.


Could you please check the core upgrade log for the results of the CoreAddNewSupportedPhoneNumbersSettingsVariant migration. Was it successful? Also please attach a screenshot of how this selector looks in your installation:

and where is this log file at?



2023-09-06 14:55:02: == 20230704114222 CoreAddNewSupportedPhoneNumbersSettingsVariant: migrating
2023-09-06 14:55:02: == 20230704114222 CoreAddNewSupportedPhoneNumbersSettingsVariant: migrated 0.0053s

Strange. Seems like there is some inconsistency in the database of your your store.

Please execute the following queries to your database and let me know the results:

SELECT * FROM cscart_settings_objects WHERE object_id = 313;
SELECT * FROM cscart_settings_variants WHERE object_id = 313;
SELECT * FROM cscart_settings_objects WHERE name = 'phone_validation_mode';

Make sure to update table prefix in them, if you use a different one.

Should I change cscart_settings_objects

object_id = 7456;

in to

object_id = 313;


Thanks for answer

Thank you for the reply!

Seems like this migration needs to be fixed, I’ve already passed this on to the developers.

In your specific case, please execute this one specific query to fix this:

INSERT INTO cscart_settings_variants (object_id, name, position) VALUES(7456, 'phone_number_with_country_selection', 5);

I have executed this query but it did not fixed the problem. Have also cleared change but problem persist.

Could you please clear the cache by removing the var/cache folder within your installation and check again?

I think something is messed up in DB


looks like this


Everything looks valid at the provided screenshots. I think, that most probably, the translation for this setting still have the wrong ID, so you also need to execute this one SQL query:

REPLACE INTO cscart_settings_descriptions
(2996, 'V', 'en', 'Phone number with country selection');

This has fixed issue, many thanks

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Yes it does support PHP 8.1
It is mentioned in functionality changes in the last line-