Love what I see... but a missing issue

There are two issues that I have seen listed in the regular 1.x.x version forums… I am wondering if it is on the development roadmap.

I’m working on a site that sells digital photography and as such there are two needs that I plan to customize:

  1. Weighted tags and/or fields - the ability to create fuzzy fields values would be helpful.

    Example, I have a photo with two dominant colors - I’d like to tag color 1 as FF0055 with a weight of 75%, color 2 as 223344 with a weight of 35% so that when searching for a particular dominant color, I can get ‘weaker’ matches even though the color is exact. Otherwise dominant and less dominant images show as equal value for the same photo.

  2. Along these lines, I’d like to be able to assign downloadable files per variant, rather than create a bunch of products (one for each MP size and/or use license).

    Example, I have a 12MP image that is available in four deliverable sizes (web (1mp), print (3mp), large print (6mp), poster (12mp)) and the larger sizes have the option of crop (1/4 image, 1/3 image, 1/2 image, 2/3 image, full) with a set of options to direct the crop (quadrants wanted). Finally, if they wish to purchase extended or exclusive license usage I want them to be able to download the license terms for that variant.

    A customer should be able to visit the image page, make their selection, select their photo size that shows a map of selectable crops, and then bundle that to include additional licensing. When they checkout, they should be able to download the file for the crop/size they want.

    It’s great to be able to add more than one file to a product. I need to be able to do it per variant or matrix of variants.

