Looking For Full-Time/part-Time Cs-Cart Addon Developer Based In Kuala Lumpure


I am looking for full-time/part-time cs-cart addon developer based in Kuala Lumpure - Malaysia for long term contract.


if you don't find anyone local I'd be happy to help you out. But wouldn't be full time. We have a corporate subscription plan that will give you a reduced hourly rate for a 6 month commitment to a subscription rate. Use links to go to my site for more info.

if you don't find anyone local I'd be happy to help you out. But wouldn't be full time. We have a corporate subscription plan that will give you a reduced hourly rate for a 6 month commitment to a subscription rate. Use links to go to my site for more info.

Many thank Tony for your kindness. It's a pleasure to work with you .. It's just about the time difference and the direct communication ...

Many thank Tony for your kindness. It's a pleasure to work with you .. It's just about the time difference and the direct communication ...

Yeah, not much I can do about that! We have the same when dealing with helpdesk or other Eastern Euro and Asian countries. We have lots of clients out of timezone that we seem to work well with. But then I try to stay away from firefighting type of support given it usually takes a lot of time investment to familiarize with different sites. And most small businesses can't really afford to pay for that education/familiarization time. And it is time consuming. That's why a small pool or regular clients seems to work best.