JS Tooltip Bug?

On the product page when I select a size such as White and then mouseover the question mark tooltip next to the select size box it shows the code from the html code for the tooltip. The actual tooltip only shows up when i click the question mark. Has anyone else had this problem or have a solution for it?

Note: the same thing happens on the professional demo as Instant Demo - CS-Cart Multi-Vendor Demo Try Free for 15 days.

See my example here: http://cs.solesu.com/adidas-camp-tee.html

Hello solesurvivor,

Thank you for your message.

It seems to be a minor bug in standard CS-Cart. We have posted the problem description to our Bug Tracker. Our engineers will consider it at the first opportunity. You can subscribe to updates here: http://forum.cs-cart.com/tracker/issue-2693-text-of-an-options-tooltip-is-not-displayed-properly/ .

Pavel Zyukin

CS-Cart Support team