ultimate 4.17.2, on product import date in the excel CSV, Comma delimited is in format
date DD/MM/YYYY this is being changed to date format MM/DD/YYYY.
site date formats and calendar date formats are set to DD/MM/YYYY
New orders to the site appear with date format DD/MM/YYYY
The conversion of the date string to a timestamp on import depends on the standard PHP strtotimefunction. So in order for the date to be parsed correctly, you must either specify it in the numeric format [month]/[day]/[year], or specify the month as a word (shortening it like jan instead of January will do).
Sorry I may not have made myself clear.
If I make a selection of six orders from my store and export them, make no changes at all and them import the same orders, The date is changed. There are also other issues with the import of the order items. ie the shipping details are also missing from the imports. But I am dealing with one issue at a time.
The issue with import export became apparent when I moved my sites between servers, i initially exported the existing orders from the old site and imported them, without issue.
I then updated CS Cart to latest version, I went back to the old live site and selected all the orders again to include six new orders. on import the existing were not updated and the new which were created, But with the date format reversed. as described. I have exported and imported a number random orders to test the issue,
Sorry I may not have made myself clear.
The issue with import export became apparent when I moved my sites between servers, i initially exported the existing orders from the old site and imported them, without issue.
I then updated CS Cart to latest version, I went back to the old live site and selected all the orders again to include six new orders. on import the existing were not updated and the new which were created, But with the date format reversed. as described. I have exported and imported a number random orders to test the issue,
In the exported file the date show as “11/01/2024 04:38:00” when imported it is changed to “01/11/2024 04:38:00”
However any new orders etc on the site are in the correct format 11/01/2024
I am really sorry and I hope that it may be the case, but I mistyped the heading for this issue as Product import when the actual issue is with export and import of orders.
I did make it clear in the message and It should have been apparent from the order export file that I had attached to one of my messages.
I’m sorry, but I don’t see any attachments in your posts. Orders also use the same mechanism, so their date is exported in the same format as products.
Here is a screen shot of a newly exported order, from by Ultimate installation. Note the date format, which dose not match what you are stating.
If I were to immediately import this order, the date is changed to MM/DD and when exported again the date field is blank.
Most possibly Excel changes the date format. Try to export the file and open it in any text editor. Or output the content to the screen after the export is completed
Thank you ecomlabs, It appears you may be correct, I have never had this happen before. When I do a screen export the date is in the correct format, I will have to do some more testing.
@ecomlabs correctly stated that in your screenshot you are only seeing the representation of the actual value stored in that cell. Please have a look at these articles for details: