Issue with Missing Shipping Price & Out-of-Stock Products in Orders via API

Hello everyone,

I’ve developed a React Native app that integrates with my CS-Cart store. However, I’ve encountered an issue when sending orders from the app via the API:

  1. The shipping price sometimes disappears when the order is placed.
  2. Products that are out of stock (quantity = 0) do not appear in the order.
  3. If I manually edit the order from the CS-Cart admin panel and simply click “Save” (without making any changes), the missing shipping price and products reappear correctly.

It seems like something is not being processed properly when orders are created via API. Has anyone experienced this before? Could this be related to hooks, recalculations, or missing parameters in the API request?

Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


  1. Could you please provide the steps to reproduce this issue?
  2. You’ll need to:
  • Either enable the Allow negative amount in inventory setting on the Settings → General page in your admin panel. This will allow customers to add products to the cart even when the store’s inventory shows a quantity of 0.

  • Or allow product pre-ordering. To configure this, go to Products → Products → [product name]. Scroll down to the Availability section, and set the Out of stock action to Buy in advance.

The product is available when creating an order. Then, when we send discounts, it becomes unavailable. And when we send them again, it becomes available again. This happens only for some orders, not all, which is very strange…

Sending request response: Unique Download Link | WeTransfer

I’m afraid I have no assumptions for the reasons of this issue. This will require examination directly in your installation. Please contact us via the Help Desk on this case.