Is There An Addon To Restrict Shipping Methods For Specific Products / Categories?

Some of our products can only be shipped by certain shipping methods. So we need to restrict this. Is there an addon for this?

Some of our products can only be shipped by certain shipping methods. So we need to restrict this. Is there an addon for this?

Vali has an addon for this here:

I need one for 4.3.9 that allows me to edit/bulk edit allowable shipping methods for products based on a product feature. Anyone seen one that does that?

Otherwise, it looks some of these I've seen around might work, I would just have to bulk edit 100 products at a time and there's 9000+ products. Or is there anyway to edit more than 100 at a time?

Otherwise, it looks some of these I've seen around might work, I would just have to bulk edit 100 products at a time and there's 9000+ products. Or is there anyway to edit more than 100 at a time?

Please add &items_per_page=500 to the URL. E.g.

Thanks! I have the same need P-Pharma, did you find one that works correctly? I just need it to only display shipping methods that all items in the cart share.

I was looking at this one, but found quite a few bugs when trying out one thing:
No response from the developer so far. The addon looks good, so I hope that this is a one off and does not represent the quality of the whole addon.

I tried this, but it kicked me back to main page and said: ErrorAccess denied: Possible CSRF attack

Try to increase the max_input_vars setting on your server

None of the pre-built addons for this seem to be able to bulk edit the products/shipping methods and I can't determine shipping method by category alone, unfortunately.....not unless I overhaul the entire category layout/design. Anyone recommend someone to custom make what I need? I had one custom made for 2.2.4 by alt-team, but they seem a bit out of the loop now.

Our team will be glad to help you with this modification. Feel free to contact us